Monday, July 21, 2008

Monty Alexander

With all that's been going on, it's been awhile since I've written an entry. So, I'm going to take us back a couple of weeks to....

June 19, 2008
This day was a very long -awaited date on my calendar. Why? Because one of the greatest jazz pianists was scheduled to play at the new location of the Jazz Showcase---one of the oldest and most respected jazz clubs in North America. I call Monty "The Happy Piano Player".

He's also a personal friend. In fact, my relationship with Monty Alexander goes back to 1979....I had recently joined Barry Keiner's trio in Rochester, NY. Barry was a prodigious, young pianist who died tragically several years later. We were performing at a club called, "Chez Jean Pierre's" and Monty's band was working just around the corner. I would catch his band during our breaks and, unbeknown to me, he checked us out during his break. About a year later, after completing my first year in college, I received a call from New York City---it was Monty Alexander. He asked if I would join his band! My response? "Well, Monty, if I don't finish college now, I probably never will." Let's just call this one of the most regrettable decisions of my life!!

The fact is however, Monty and I have remained close friends. He would call me at college to discuss all kinds of things---life, love, family---everything. I love Monty. He is such a dear friend to me. Today meant so much to me. The fact that I was able to see him again and finally meet his wife of 10 year years, Caterina. She is an absolute delight! We go to hang out with Monty and Caterina afterward----how fun was that? We heard stories about Ray Brown and learned something of Monty's philosophy about the need for the right chemistry among musicians on the bandstand. WOW! Talk about insight!

If you ever feel like checking out one of the world's greatest jazz pianists, go to his website (click on the link above) check out his performance schedule, and please go hear him. You won't be disappointed!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Trio's Restaurant & Jazz Club

Working with our musician friends from Chicago is always an exhilarating experience---no exceptions!!. Tonight was no exception either. We get to play with Demos Petropoulos (piano) and Kimberly Gordon (vocals), a dynamic husband/wife duo with whom we've been working with more frequently. Both the lounge and restaurant areas are packed with music lovers eager for the band to begin (we can't wait, either). After opening with a couple of powerhouse standards, Kimberly joins us for the remainder of the set. The crowd is very responsive and engaged. There's nothing quite like performing with one of the best band in the area for an appreciative audience.

Not only this, our dear friends Cathy (with a "C") and Bruce drove all the way from Syracuse, IN to come and hear us. They sit in the front corner near the window enjoying dinner and drinks with our manager. Thanks, guys, for your willingness to make the drive and spend your night with us. You are dear, dear friends, indeed.

Tim and Brenda, from Elkhart, faithful supporters of our band, also greet me when I arrive. What a great surprise! I usually do not know when they'll show up, but it's ALWAYS a happy surprise when they just "pop" in at our gigs unannounced! They reserve a table right in front of the stage. It's their first time hearing Demos & Kimberly, too. Man, are they in for a treat. They aren't disappointed, either! Kimberly's vocals pack a sassy punch that's really captivating. Not only does Kimberly demonstrate that rare quality of being a true musician/vocalist, but she is also entertaining to listen to. I see it in Tim and Brenda's eyes. I scan the audience and see it among them, too. they are gripped by her stage presence, not to mention Demos' herculean piano playing. It was wonderful to see Tim & Brenda enjoying themselves so much and telling me how much they dug the music. You see, I respect Tim's feedback because he has an extensive background as a musician. he knows music, and he knows music when it's played well. Thanks, Tim and Brenda for your faithful support and for choosing to spend your evening with us!

There are just some gigs a musician gets to play where you think to yourself, "Man, can it get much better than this?!" I mean, when the music is swinging and the audience is loving it, it's hard to beat. If you are a musician, you know what I'm talking about. Tonight was one such night. But just when you think the evening can't be beat, I'm proven wrong....

It's our final set of the evening. We're in the middle of a tune, and I look up to see our dear friend Tom Vaitsas stroll in. Why is this such a surprise? Because Tom lives in Chicago, and as a full-time working pianist, he's always busy playing somewhere in Chicago. But, here he is, at Trio's in South Bend---WHAT IN THE WORLD???!! Tonight, Tom had a gig just across the street at the Marriott and heard that we were also performing close by. Tom is simply one of those rare individuals who is easy to love. We simply love him and relish any opportunity to play with him, too. Not surprisingly, Demos and Kimberly love Tom, too. As soon as the song was finished, Kimberly insists on Tom sitting in at the piano (much to his embarrassment). He told me later that he really wasn't dressed for the occasion. But who noticed?! Though I don't recall the name of the ballad, he did a gorgeous job of backing Kimberly (David and I get to along for the ride). At the conclusion of the song, the room went wild---and rightfully so! After a couple more tunes, we finish our last set and enjoy visiting with Tom and his drummer friend who accompanied him on his gig. Talk about an incredibly wonderful surprise! Like I said, working with our musician friends from Chicago is always an exhilarating experience---no exceptions! Thanks, Tom, for stopping by and visiting with us. It's always a joy to see you!

Before I sign off, I'd like to offer a special thanks to Herb Wilson and Mike (owners) for treating us so wonderful. It's a pleasure to play at your beautiful establishment. Don't forget to make your calendar for Saturday, July 26, when David and I are scheduled to play again at Trio's with two very special friend, Eric Clancy (piano) and Rich Cohen (also sax). Start time is 9:00pm. It's been years since I've seen Rich and I look forward to the reunion! Should prove to be a dynamic night of great jazz. So, bring your friends and your appetite and plan to spend the evening with us. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, July 26th!!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Special Sunday in Chicago (Jazz, Food, AND a Sheriff)

I enjoy spontaneity. In fact, yesterday my brother, David, and I decided on an impulse to blow town and explore the Chicago jazz scene. We decided to visit our good friend Tom Vaitsas . Tom is an incredibly accomplished jazz pianist who has earned the respect of so many fellow jazz musicians working in Chicago.

(Tom Hilliker, Tom Vaitsas, David Hilliker)

Tom is a very busy musician, working roughly every night of the week--sometimes 2-3 times per day. Tom performs three nights a week with his trio (piano, bass, drums) at Bandera, an upscale restaurant on Michigan Avenue.

Since we arrive at the Windy City three hours early, we decide to swing by the home of a good friend of David's--Donald Meade. Donald lives in an apartment on the South side. I've heard so much about Donald over the years that I figured it was time to finally meet him. I knew it would mean a lot to David to see Donald again after a long silence.

Donald is one of the most interesting men I've ever met. He seems to know every (and I mean every) major jazz personality ever to grace this planet. I'm not saying he's merely met them on one or two occasions. I'm saying he's an integral part of jazz history--a member of the family of American jazz musicians. At age 79, I marveled at his ability to recall names, dates, places, and conversations, not only from just a few weeks ago, but from years past!
(Tom Hilliker & Donald Meade)

Donald entertained us for two hours with fascinating anecdotes involving many of our musical idols in jazz. The unique aspect to his stories is that he speaks in the first person. His accounts emerge from his own experiences. I don't know that Donald himself is a musician, but I can tell you that he has endeared himself to the major personalities in jazz---and this has nothing whatsoever to do with whether he can play an instrument. Donald is simply a very beautiful human being--one whom, as legendary song writer Cole Porter puts it, is easy to love. As we sat in his living room riveted by stories of Ray Brown, Art Blakey, Duke Ellington, and others we laughed till it hurt! That's the other thing about Donald. He loves to laugh and he enjoys making others laugh, too.

Our two hours with Donald whizzed by. We must now pry ourselves away because Tom's trio is about to begin their gig. First, however, we must stop for Mexican food. Some time ago, Tom introduced my brother, David, to a Taqueria on Chicago's South side. It was love at first sight. We had to stop in before the gig. We shared a super-sized beef burrito and some pickled carrots--apparently a Mexican specialty. David figured it would be wise to add two more tacos to his order. When we finished eating, twenty minutes later, the food parked itself like a sack of sand in my stomach. It sure went down easy enough, but the after effects were...well...unfortunate.

After a few passes up and down Michigan Avenue, we finally found Bandera's. The trio sounded absolutely beautiful--the product of working for years with one another. I met Dave, the drummer, the night we recently played our own gig at Martini Park in Chicago. My brother introduces me to Mark, the bass player. All three men--Tom, Mark, and Dave--are just beautiful people--cordial and warm. My brother and I were hoping to sit in before the night was through; but since we didn't come dressed wearing ties, we weren't permitted to play in the band--a Bandera policy. Oh well.

Following the gig, Tom, David and I pile into my car and head to Greek Town to grab a bite to eat (our after-gig routine whenever we hook up with Tom). Wow! Was that ever a treat. Tom is Greek and speaks the language. He's also very familiar with Greek Town. By this time, 11pm, we are getting hungry again (Mexican food not withstanding). Tom recommended a place called the Artopolis Bakery & Cafe. They specialize in authentic Greek cuisine in a casual dining atmosphere. Tom talks us through the menu, making recommendations on what to order. Everything he suggests is simply fantastic! David orders a Greek pizza and potato salad. I ordered a specialty spinach and feta pita that was to die for. It came with rosemary potatoes on the side. Tom orders a colorful plate of fresh chopped vegetables with four scoops of humus garnished with Greek olives.

Tom asks if I ever had Greek coffee. Since I never had, I knew I would enjoy the adventure and it sounded like something worth exploring. I also knew that it would be a rather late night for us, so I would probably need the stuff in my system if David and I are ever going to make it back to Indiana. The coffee is served in a clear glass mug. It's strong (the way I like it), with cream (the way I like it) and sweet (the way I like it). It was absolutely delicious! Oh, did I mention that it's on ice, too? I order a second mug, and would have ordered a third and possibly a fourth, but I figure it's best that get some sleep sometime before my Wednesday gig in Elkhart.

Finally, we drive Tom back to his condo and head home. Unfortunately, we miss the Indiana exit and wind up on Interstate 94 East--clearly not where we wanted to be. About a half hour later I decide to turn on to I-65 South, thinking this will get us back on the Indiana Toll Road (bad move). We end up in Valparaiso, IN, well off the beaten trail. So, I do what most desperate male drivers do under the circumstances--I stop for directions.

It is now about 2:30am. We stop at a convenience store and the lady suggests taking Truck Route 51 North to get us on to the Toll Road. I'm so relieved to know we really aren't that far from it now. We head north and discover the route is full of twists and turns. In the darkness of the unlit streets along the way, I manage to miss one of the turns and wind up driving west (bad move). After about five miles I realize we are again lost!

David say, "Oh, I saw a sign back there that read 'Truck Route 51 North'. We drove right past it. I probably should have mentioned that to you, huh?"

"Uh...yeah. That would have been great."

So, I spin the car around and head back in search of that elusive sign. By now David is understandably tired and can't recall exactly where that sign was. It just so happens that we pass a Sheriff car patrolling the area. I thought, "Wow! What luck! I'll stop and ask him how to get back onto 51 North.

I slow down enough for him to get curious enough about our car in this little town somewhere in the middle of North West Indiana. I pull my car over and he stopped several car lengths behind me. I think to myself, "Great! David--you stay here--I'll be right back. I'm going to ask this Sheriff for directions."

So, I open my door and lope along toward the patrol car with my hands behind my back (another bad move).

He immediately thrusts open his driver's door, shines his flashlight in my eyes and screams at the top of his lungs, "LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!"

I'm thinking to myself, "Holy Schnikees, Batman! A bit of an over-reaction?" Not only this, he's got his pistol drawn with his left hand. He now radios for backup. YIKES!!!

"Officer, I'm lost, I'm tired, and I just want to get home, Can you help me?"

The officer is visibly alarmed and prepped himself for a worst-case scenario.


"That's all."


"I honestly don't know how else to ask for directions."

The sweaty officer is so honkin' mad at me, that he shakes his head, still standing behind the driver's door and says nothing for a few minutes. He radios the other squad car with the words, "Needs directions". At this juncture, I think he's feeling quite silly.

After a few moments, the officer finally relents. Reluctantly, he describes where I need to go to find Truck Route 51 North. I thank him and apologize for startling him and reassure him that this was never my intention. It's just not my world to even guess that a police officer would feel threatened by someone approaching him with one's hands behind his back. It all makes total sense to me now; but at the time, it simply never entered my mind.

I really didn't mean to freak him out. I think we freaked each other out---only I'm the one with a gun pointed in my direction. Hmmm.... The next time I'm in need of directions, I'll just stick with the convenience store clerk.

After what seems like an eternity (through blinding rain and driving winds all along the Toll Road), we FINALLY get home around 4am. Unfortunately, David has to get up in a couple of hours for work. I don't know how he does it, but it's not the first time he's made a Chicago run when he's schedule to work the next morning.

Oh, before I sign off, let me just say that Tom, David, and I will be performing at Lucchese's Italian Restaurant on the opening night of the Elkhart Jazz Festival, June 20th. We're scheduled to perform at their new location on CR 17. Tom will actually be driving in from Chicago and rearranging his playing schedule to work with us that night! I feel so honored. It's going to be a VERY fun night of music indeed, not to mention great food and lots of festival-goers. Mark your calendar for Friday, June 20th and come join us that night. Look for a big white tent. Even if you don't mark it down on your calendar, be spontaneous and just show up!

Even without guns, spontaneity can still be fun and full of adventure.

See you on the 20th,

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

South Bend Tribune Article

Jazz Singer Eager To Support New Club
Author: Howard Dukes
May 16, 2008

Kimberly Gordon has never been to South Bend. The jazz singer's upcoming performance with Tom Hilliker's band at Trio's Restaurant and Jazz Club, however, isn't all that surprising.

Jazz artists spend a lot of time traveling around the country and performing with different bands and meeting other musicians and singers.

That kind of networking explains why the Chicago native will be at Trios on Saturday.

Demos Petropoulos, a piano and electric organ player who is Gordon's husband, played with David Hilliker at a Chicago club. Petropoulos liked what he heard from Hilliker, who is a drummer and Tom Hilliker's brother.

"I'm always looking for new talent and Demos said, 'You've got to hear this guy David. He plays hard,' " Gordon says.

So Gordon hired Hilliker to play drums.

"And I've been using him as much as I can," she says.

Meanwhile, David Hilliker was forming a favorable impression of Gordon and Petropoulos.

Once David Hilliker told his brother and bass player about Gordon, Tom Hilliker knew he wanted to perform with the singer.

"First of all, we think alike musically, and there is a real chemistry between David and (me)," Tom Hilliker says. "And I know from hearing from multiple (sources) that she's been influenced by Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald, so you will hear her sing a lot of songs from that era."

Gordon acknowledges that she loves singing the songs from the musical canon known as the Great American Songbook.

"I cover standards from 1900 to 1960," she says. "I think it was the golden age of entertainment and lyrics. The lyrics -- especially those from songs written between 1900 and 1940 -- will always stand the test of time."

Gordon adds that the training she received as a student in Chicago helped her once she decided to become a professional singer 15 years ago.

Gordon sang in an all-city chorus in the 1980s. The Chicago public school system's choral ensemble sings classical, American folk, gospel and Latin music for dignitaries she says.

Gordon credits the program with keeping her interested in school.

"The program also gave me basic singing techniques, like breathing and standing properly -- all of those commonsense things," she says.

Gordon got the training while singing mostly classical music with the all-city ensemble, but the methods she learned also can be applied to jazz.

"I believe that jazz is an American classical music, so it would make sense that classical music training would be very useful in jazz," she says.

Chicago is one of the major jazz centers, so players and singers have to be top-notch to get jobs. These days, it's been hard for players to get and keep jobs in Chicago, Gordon says.

The economic downturn is forcing restaurants and clubs to cut back on live music.

"I've only just begun hearing musicians say 'I lost the Thursday gig,' " Gordon says. "And owners are being honest with them and saying it's because (of) the cost of food and gas. They just can't afford it, so they're cutting back on the music."

In a way, then, Gordon's excitement about performing in South Bend is driven by her desire to promote a new venue.

"So I'm really glad to hear that a new club is opening," she says, "and I will try to get there because people need to hear the music."

Friday, May 30, 2008


Friday, May 23, 2008

Tonight we get to perform again at Lucchese's Italian restaurant. The place was packed again, as usual, through most of the evening. I just love that place because of the Lucchese family and their great staff (not to mention all the wonderful guests who express how much they enjoy our music). It's evident that many in the community also feel the same way as I do about Lucchese's! I simply cannot say enough good things about them.

I must admit, however, to an oversight from my last blog write up. I failed to mention one very helpful staff member who deserves special recognition, for sure. Her name is Tammy (with a "Y"). When we first played there back in May, she was kind enough to help orient me to where the power outlets are and showed me which room to store our instrument cases. She was so conscientious, too, of our need for an extension cord tucked away in the corner of the dining room. The only problem is, guests seated right where the cord was plugged in. We have to wait until they finish their meal and vacate the table before we can power up for our first set. The unique thing about all this is, I didn't have to worry about any of this one bit. Tammy takes care of all of it. Never mind that she already has her hands full serving guests and waiting on tables! She's going to handle this for us. And handle it she did! Thank-you Tammy (with a "Y")!

By the way... the next time you make reservations at Lucchese's, be sure to request Tammy as your server - she's a real professional at what she does and will make your dining experience a very special one, indeed!

The second staff member I want to mention is Stacy (also with a "Y"). I met Stacy during a break as I was visiting with a couple of dear friends. Stacy busses tables and is just a sweetheart. She thanked us for our music because, as she puts it, the music helps her to relax while she works! I'll take that as a compliment! Thank-you, Stacy!

All in all, the night was very special. Several groups of friends came specifically to hear us and a couple of them stayed right through the final set at 11pm. We are so grateful for your support!

The Luccheses are so kind and hospitable to us, too. (Did I mention this already?) Consistent with their tradition of great Italian hospitality, they make sure we've had something to eat. Now, I said this the last time I wrote about Luccheses that, typically, club and restaurant owners generally do not accommodate the band members. But like my Italian grandmother, they simply will not let us leave on empty stomachs! They are incredible people this way. In fact, it was big Zach (bartender, security enforcement and part-time lion tamer) who asks if we're hungry. Now, one never wants to offend an Italian by refusing an offer of hospitality. I'm not sure if Zach is even Italian. It really matters little, however, when one is dealing with a guy the size of Zach. Even if you've just had a four course meal complete with cheesecake and coffee for dessert. Perhaps you're barely breathing you've eaten so much. If Zach happens to ask if you're hungry, my advice is to reply with an enthusiastic, "Why yes - very!" (Fewer words make Italians happier). Again, Zach may not even be Italian - the issue at this point is about personal
security - you never want to offend a guy that big.

Finally, I'm often asked when we'll be performing next at Lucchese's. Since I now have someone who manages the performance schedule, my general response is usually to offer a smile and a impressively blank stare. I simply cannot remember from one day to the next where we're scheduled to be. There was a day, I suppose, when I was expected to apologize for such incompetence. However, the beauty in all this is that I no longer NEED to remember this stuff! It's now in very capable hands - handled by someone possessing an administrative skill set which I could only dream of.

So whenever I'm asked where we're scheduled play next, the only thing I need to remember anymore is that I have business cards in my pocket. I reach in, grab a card and hand it to the inquiring individual. Our business card directs you to our blogspot (which lists the trio's performance schedule). It's that easy.

Perhaps you're asking, "So, where are you guys playing next?" If so, then visit us at There you'll find our performance schedule. In case you're not asking the question, let me then simply tell you that we'll be at Lucchese's on the following dates:

June 14
July 11, 25
August 9, 23
September 6 and 20.

Don't forget to mark your calendar for a weekend of great jazz when the Elkhart Jazz Festival comes to downtown Elkhart, June 20-22. We'll also be performing for Lucchese's at their new
CR 17 location on the opening night of the festival, Friday, June 20th. It promises to be a wonderful time of great music, the best Italian food in town and fun-loving jazz lovers from all over the country.

Pick one of the dates above and come join us at Lucchese's. We look forward to seeing you!

(A word to the wise....with the exception of the Jazz Festival, don't forget to make dinner reservations or... you may wind up eating at Arby's or Dairy Queen :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Trio's - - May 17

(Kimberly Gordon)
When was the last time you received a gift from someone "just because"? What do I mean? Well, what I'm referring to is this: It's not your birthday. It's not Christmas. No one owes you a favor. It's none of that. Yet, a gracious, open hand simply stretches toward you and says, "Here. This is for you". When was the last time you experienced this?

And in my opinion, nothing compares to a gift like that. Why? What makes this kind of gift so uniquely special? Well, since you humble opinion is simply this: It's the beauty of the motivation behind it. There's no agenda driving it like the square space on a calendar, or an obligation of some kind or a "balancing of the scales" - it's just love. That's why unexpected (and, I might add, undeserved) gifts are so special to all of us.

I received this kind of gift at Trio's. It wasn't my birthday or Kwanzaa Day or anything like that. In fact, it was a rather Saturday-as-usual kind of day. The band is scheduled to play in South Bend at my friend Herb's upscale jazz club called "Trio's". Now, I'm really excited about this particular gig. Why? Because I have a hunch it's going to be a very special evening of great music.

And I wasn't disappointed.

The night proved to be one of those unexpected gifts I was describing. It falls under the "intangible gift" category. Music is one such intangible. Though it's something we enjoy. Though it affects us emotionally. Though it gives us tremendous joy and can even move us to tears with its beauty, we can't stuff it in our pocket, seat belt it in the back seat of our car or carry it home in our wallet.

Now, I'm looking around the club on Saturday night. I see no decorated Christmas trees anywhere, no tinsel or Christmas colors or lights. It's clearly not Christmas at Trio's, but it sure could have been. Like a pile of gift-wrapped packages under the tree, the evening was piled high with gifts - each of which had my name on it! They were everywhere.

One gift was the wonderful opportunity to do music with three very talented musicians: my brother David on drums, who is a tremendously gifted and sensitive player - someone with whom I share a real musical chemistry. Then there's Demos Petropoulos and Kimberly Gordon, a husband/wife team from Chicago. Demos plays piano with such power and energy that people are leaving their seats just to get a glimpse of those big, powerful hands literally bouncing the Yamaha grand! Yet, Demos is a gentle,soft-spoken and down-to-earth individual who carries a wonderful warmth about him and possesses a fun, subtle sense of humor, too.

His wife Kimberly is the perfect compliment for him. She's colorful, sassy and deeply personable, all of which come through in her vocals. The liner notes on Kimberly's 2004 CD release really says it: "Kimberly Gordon's music reflects her personality; both are sophisticated with a streetwise flair. Her voice is as sassy, sultry and sensuous as the brassy tones of any tenor sax."

Kimberly just throws herself out there for anyone and everyone to enjoy. Her fearless love for people is evident. I witnessed (as did the others with us) how a perfect stranger, a retired vocalist herself and quite elegant lady, meets Kimberly on a break. They hit it off and the next thing we know, she offers Kimberly and Demos a place to stay for the night in a hotel so they can get a good night's sleep before making the long drive back to Chicago! Wow! Talk about gifts!

Even though we just met that evening and never played a note of music together, the energy and synergy on the bandstand was really quite powerful! The crowd's response to Kimberly's commanding stage presence and the sheer power of the music is enthusiastic. It's obvious the club owners are enjoying this night,too. It's high caliber Chicago jazz and they are perceptive and sophisticated enough to know this! What a great gift of music!

Another gift I get to open this night is to have some very special friends drive from Elkhart to South Bend to spend the evening with us. Since they know who they are I don't need to spell their names. They just happen to be our strongest, most dedicated supporters. Their friendship is truly one of the richest gifts I get to lay claim to. Each time they arrive I get such a shot in the musical arm. Thank-you guys! I love you!

Well, all I can say, is if you open your eyes to the beauty of the people in your life, and the wonderful gifts this life offers (like music - HA!), I think what you'll discover is that you don't have to wait around for December 25th or your birthday or any of that to enjoy the magic of Christmas. The gifts are everywhere and your name is written on each one of them! Find one today and open it! I sure plan to.

And, just so you know....there's another gift waiting for you, too. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait until Saturday, June 28th before opening it. I guarantee, however, it'll be worth the wait. Kimberly and Demos will be joining my brother and I again at Trio's Restaurant and Jazz Club in South Bend for another night of high energy and very entertaining Chicago jazz. Mark your calendar. Just mark the #28 white block, "Christmas".

You won't be disappointed, either.

There are few gifts to compare to warm, close friendships, delicious food and great music. Come join us for an evening of gift-giving and receiving. I look forward to it with you on the 28th!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lucchese's Italian Restaurant

Saturday, May 3, 2008
This was our first time performing at Lucchese's Italian Restaurant in Elkhart, IN. Lucchese's is a high quality, highly respected establishment that's occupied a significant place among Elkhart dining establishments for many, many years now. However, in 2007 the family moved to a brand new location in a rapidly developing area on the east side of town. Needless-to-say, their new restaurant is absolutely gorgeous and 2 to 3 times larger than their previous location.
My first contact with the Lucchese's was in talking with Zach Lucchese by phone. Zach is the owner's son and serves as the Executive Chef. I would also include that he is a real gentleman and tremendously accommodating. I met with Zach Lucchese in person at the restaurant about a week before our gig to determine where the band would set up and talk through some logistic details. We decided the most optimal location would be in the restaurant area (vs. the bar) since start time for the band is at 6:30pm and the reservation list confirmed that the room would be already quite full by then.
Well, finally Saturday, May 3rd arrives and, sure enough, the place is filling up fast! As soon as I enter the front door, I am greeted by two young hostesses, Alex and Tracy. They're very gracious and helpful in orienting me to where things are and what I need to know to get things set up before the rest of the trio arrives. Before I even get to see Zach, however, another Zach (a much larger one, indeed!) greets me. He's a towering figure (of course, to an Italian like me, it seems most everyone around you qualifies as a towering figure). Zach sports a light brown goatee, a silver chain around his neck (bearing a cross) and a huge, warm smile. Everything about this Zach is enormous: his warmth, his smile, and when he shakes hands, for a moment you lose all sight of your own as his enormous hand envelops yours! (I found myself praying one of those nano-second prayers: "Lord, please don't let him squeeze too hard - I this hand tonight!". The beautiful thing about Zach is his gentleness and thoughtfulness. He personifies the "gentle giant" image!
Moments later, I'm greeted by the other Zach (Lucchese), who welcomes me and introduces me to his father Greg. Later I meet Kathy, Greg's wife. What impresses me most about Lucchese's is their genuine hospitality and love for people. In addition, every one of their staff members - and I mean every one - is so kind and eager to assist with anything you might need. They couldn't seem to do enough for us throughout the night. Why, we were even asked, "You guys are probably hungry! What would you like to eat?!!" I'm thinking, "Are you kidding? Do you realize who we are?" (If you are a musician yourself, you are well aware that musicians typically do not receive any special treatment, particularly by the owners!) The wonderful thing about working for the Luccheses is that they shatter those stereotypes and treat every one as honored
guests - musicians or not. They truly are beautiful people.
Since I grew up in an Italian family, I do know something about European hospitality. Particularly among Italians, a guest in one's home receives royal treatment - enough food to stop you from breathing and the very best wine in the house. My guess is the Lucchese family is no different. One gets the impression, however, that the Italian hospitality displayed at the restaurant is simply a reflection of how they treat guests in their own home - only in their "larger" home. It was impressive, too, to watch Greg and Kathy enjoy time sitting with their guests and enjoying the evening with them. They didn't appear rushed or stressed that it was a "work" day for them. In fact, if you didn't know them, you would assume they were guests, too!
A real treat for me was having my son Josh visiting from Nashville, TN where he works as a musician himself. Not only was he visiting, he was scheduled to perform with the band. He's a very talented musician who plays, among other instruments, awesome drums. He sounded great the whole night (as usual) - one of my favorite drummers, indeed!
After playing three sets in the restaurant, big Zach asked if we would consider carrying our gear into the bar area to play for the guests gathered in there. Of course, we would! (For that guy, I'll do anything!) Besides, he's too big to say "no" to. Actually, he made us feel like kings - helping us with the set up in the bar and making sure we had plenty to drink the whole night. Again, they just can't do enough for you at Lucchese's. We were scheduled to play until 10:30pm but ended up playing until 11:00pm. Frankly, for these people, I'd play all night long if they asked - they are just beautiful people who make an already fun evening even more fun.
Well, I could go on and on about the Lucchese family and their wonderful staff. But let me just say that the night was such a hit, they asked us to return and consider performing for them twice a month (check the blog for our performance dates at Lucchese's). In addition, we'll be providing the music for Lucchese's during the Elkhart Jazz Festival. They are planning to set up a huge tent in the parking lot of their old location on Jackson Street during Jazz Fest weekend (June 20-22).
In case you didn't catch us last Saturday, our next scheduled appearance at Lucchese's is Friday, May 23rd at 7:00pm. If you are looking for great Italian food and dynamic acoustic jazz, come join us then.(They serve one of best Caesar Salads I've ever had - no kidding!) I must warn you, however. The word is out about Lucchese's. It's an absolutely fabulous place to take your family. It's not unusual for people without reservations to be turned away (or at least wait a very long time) due to the sheer popularity of the place. SO...... be sure to make reservations if you plan to eat at Lucchese's on either a Friday or Saturday night. If not, you simply won't get in.
Do you think it's too early to reserve a table for the 23rd? I don't. Especially if lots of other families are thinking the same thing! So, make that phone call!! look forward to seeing you then!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Great Time At Bonefish!

Last Monday night's gig at the Bonefish in Mishawaka, IN was an absolute blast! The room was alive and exhilarating, too, for lots of reasons. First, as I've said before, the great staff responsible for placing this particular Bonefish Restaurant on the map are consistently professional and accommodating. The moment I arrived, two young ladies, Stacey and Emily, greeted me with characteristic Bonefish enthusiasm. (I had not met them before Monday). Of course, the night manager, Chris, and Stephanie the bartender, can't do enough for us and are always so helpful.
A second reason the evening was so much fun was that we were surprised by some special friends who took time from their busy schedules to come support us. (It's the people we get to play for that often adds so much energy to the music). Many underestimate the contribution they make by simply BEING there in the audience! Several friends came out to whom we are so grateful: Pam and Roark, Mark, Jan, David and Matthew. Their enthusiastic applause not only helped light the room up, but fueled the band, too! Thank-you so much guys!
One final element that contributed to the uniqueness of the evening was the inclusion of two very talented musicians who joined Jim (piano) and me (bass)---- David Hilliker (drums) and Laura Darnell (vocals). They were gracious enough to lend us their talent the entire evening. Though it was David's second time with us at the Bonefish (read his bio at, for Laura, it was her very first time singing with us. I've known Laura for a long time. Over the years we have talked about the possibility of including her on some of our jazz gigs, but nothing ever came of it. Finally, however, it happened, and there were certainly some special musical moments.
I don't mean to end this on a less than happy note, but we just received word from the corporate headquarters of the Bonefish restaurant chain that live music will be discontinued until the economy picks up. Dinner sales are down and I understand the need to minimize expenses. So, here's my challenge to you: please support Tim Zentz and his outstanding staff at the Bonefish in Mishawaka. Tim very much wishes to see live music return to his establishment. (And that makes me happy). Additionally, he is committed to the music of Tom Hilliker Jazz and assures me that once midweek sales pick up, he wants us back right away. (Now that makes me VERY happy)! So, please support Tim. How? By making midweek dinner reservations ASAP. Who to bring along with you? Your sweetie, your mother-in-law, your boss, your next door neighbor, friends, enemies, your dog - ANYBODY!!
OK---so, there will no longer be live music when you arrive on a Monday night. But the food is still out of this world. (If you haven't had it yet, you MUST try the Bang-Bang Shrimp. You'll be talking about it for weeks!) Tim and his staff will take outstanding care of you and your party. And by supporting Tim, you help Tom, too, by inching us closer to playing there again.
Thanks in advance for doing you part to bring live jazz back to the Bonefish in Mishawaka. We look forward to seeing you there again soon!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Are you looking for a fun way to spend a day (now that summer seems to REALLY be here...I think)? Well...why not consider a day trip to Michigan City, IN? What? You've never been to Michigan City? DUDE! Well, are you in for a treat! There, you can stroll the sandy shoreline of Lake Michigan, bike ride the miles of bike trails and paved roads, visit the outlet mall and the many quaint shops, most of which are within walking distance from each other. After a day of walking the beach, bike riding or just moseying through the charming boutiques, I'm sure your feet will be gasping for a time out. would you like to cap off a long, yet exhilarating day, with a wonderfully elegant dining experience? How would you like to be pampered and waited on in real style in an atmosphere of live jazz and friendly faces? Sound Good? Then let me take you to Maxines' Restaurant on Franklin Street in Michigan City.

At Maxine's, it's always safest to make reservations, but even if you decide to drop in on the fly, you won't be disappointed. When you arrive, you'll be warmly greeted by either Stephanie (hostess) or Karl (owner), both of whom are exceptionally hospitable people. (You'll know when it's Karl---first, since he's not nearly as pretty as Stephanie; but second, his sense of humor is surprising and disarming. He'll have you laughing before he's even introduced himself!) I intentionally watch Karl do his magic every time I'm there setting up to play---he can make perfect strangers feel immediately right at home and glad they came.

Everything abut Maxine's simply exudes "class" and warmth. I look forward to playing there every chance I get. Why? Because of the people who work there. They are the ones who shape the beautiful ambiance of the place and give Maxine's her personality. Why else do guests visit time and time again? Oh, sure...their famous prime rib dinner is just off the charts fantastic, not to mention everything else on the menu----from appetizers to desserts and everything in between. It's all exquisitely gourmet level! But, again, I insist, it's the great staff of Maxine's whom guest enjoy visiting too.

Maryann, the tall (I mean tall) blond who tends the bar, delights her guests with her warmth and friendly personality. There's Kathy and Sabrina, both great servers. (They're both wonderfully accommodating ladies who just can't seem to do enough for you.) Then there's Phil--oh, Phil...the life of Maxine's! He's just one of those rare individuals who is an absolute delight to be around---always cheerful, loves to laugh, enjoys people and is a consummate professional at what he does.

Jim and I were privileged to perform last night to a full house (Jim on piano and I on bass). How good it is to see both the dining area and bar finally teaming with guests eager to say farewell to the long, dark months of winter and hello to the warm sunshine of summer. The walls were alive with laughter and life. I like to think our music contributes to that energy too.

If you're a musician, I think you'll understand what I'm about to say...Do you ever feel this overwhelming anticipation...this excitement...this enthusiasm that comes over you as you anticipate counting off the first tune of the evening? I do. Every time. Without fail. It doesn't matter where I get to play, or how late or early it is. The fact is, I GET to play music again! I think that sense of anticipation is why I love to play so much. Or, perhaps it's because I love to play so much that explains why I feel like a little boy anticipating his first party at Chuckee Cheese's or something! (Now, THAT is a really dumb analogy, but I think you get my drift.)

What only exhilarates that sense of expectancy relates undoubtedly to who it is one gets to play music with. And, for me, I get to play with Jim Steele---one of the best pianists in all of north central Indiana. His creative musical energy is a real gift (along with the many other gifts God has blessed me with). There exists a deep musical compatibility between us that lends itself to certain magical moments within the music. Talk about fun! And, the truly incredible part is that I don't HAVE to do this, I GET to! It should be against the law to have this much fun in life---but I'll take it!

So, many of our guest last night expressed sincere appreciation for our music (the tip jar reflected it too!). Not only were there generous tippers, but others verbally thanked us as they walked by the band on their way out the door. At the end of the night, one gentleman, Dave, introduced himself to us. He couldn't say enough about how much he enjoyed our music. He really seemed to enjoy the fact that I switched toward the end of the night from the double bass to playing my six string electric bass. That shift offers an entirely different sound, too---an element that wasn't lost on him, and he made it known! Most people who come to listen us us certainly appreciate the music, But when someone in the audience actually UNDERSTANDS the music, or some artistic nuance within it---well, that always causes our hearts to skip a beat. Thanks, Dave!

I do hope you make a point to visit us soon at Maxine's (check our schedule to the right). Karl and his staff are good at what they do---and that 's to provide you one of the most memorable dining experiences you'll find anywhere. You'll enjoy it immensely. In fact, I guarantee it will be a fun evening for you and whomever you come with. It always is. You will have so much fun meeting Maxine's warm caring staff, and enjoying their succulent entrees against the background of some of the best jazz in the area. As much fun as that will be for you,---and I guarantee it will be---it probably won't be nearly the fun we have playing for you!
Hope to see you soon!

Tom Hilliker

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Last Night's Gig at Bone Fish

Last night we were privileged to perform our second consecutive Monday night at the Bone Fish Bar and Grill in Mishawaka, IN. The Bone Fish represents real class and exists for people with discriminatingly good taste in both food and atmosphere. The sophisticated ambiance of the Bone Fish isn't the result of merely paint and wallpaper, either. I was immediately impressed by the caliber of the Bone Fish staff. They consistently demonstrate their commitment to excellence and refinement in all they do. From a musician's standpoint, I've found that they can't do enough for us. If you happen to be a musician yourself, you probably understand why such treatment comes as a pleasant shock to us in the band!
The moment I walked through the front door with musical gear in hand, Andy greets me warmly with a big smile and shakes my hand. He's the perfect maitre de--so charming and professional. He makes me WANT to be there and thankful I came! Not only that, I needed a screwdriver (not the drink) to replace a battery in a foot pedal I had just purchased. I asked Andy if the restaurant had one. He checked the office toolbox for me and discovered they did not. Instead of simply shrugging his shoulders and returning to his post (and leaving me in a major lurch) , he walked across the parking lot to retrieve a couple of screwdrivers from his car! How sweet is THAT? But it's not only Andy who's such a high-quality person. I could tell similar stories about Chris the night manager, Samantha the bartender and Walker (evidently a member of the management staff). Each one is genuinely warm, professional and deeply accommodating. In short, they are wonderful team who, by their demeanor, reinforce Bone Fish's upscale standards. As great as the food is (and it is). As stylish and exclusive as the environment is (and it is), I really believe people love coming to the Bone Fish because of the great staff who makes every visit the most wonderful experience they possibly can.
You cannot, however, develop a great staff without a great leader. I would be remiss if I fail to mention Tim, the restaurant owner/manager. He wins awards every year at the annual BoneFfish Restaurant convention. Why? Because he's a consummate professional who knows people and how to run his business. What I love about Tim is his enthusiasm for bringing live music to his establishment. And not just any live music, but he knows great jazz when he hears it - like ours! (Hmmm..can I say that? Well, I'm going to's MY blog!) He also knows intuitively what his clientele enjoys musically and feels he's hit the bulls eye with our band, something about which I am deeply grateful. As a result, we'll be performing shows at the Bone Fish every Monday evening starting at 8pm. Tim's hope is to expand the performance schedule soon to include Thursdays as well - can't wait for that day!
So, check your Monday night schedule. It's usually a quiet night for most, so why not make it special and come out to the Bone Fish Bar and Grill. Meet this great staff, enjoy their excellent entrees and come hear some of the finest jazz in all of north central Indiana (ooops....I did it again).

Tom Hilliker

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bone Fish Grill

Don't forget to join us Monday, April 14, 8:30pm at the Bone Fish Grill in Mishawaka. We're looking for a great turnout so we can have an ongoing gig----which would be every Monday and Thursday evenings! Bring a friend and come and have some great food, great jazz, and an all around great evening.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Duneland Beach Inn

Last night the trio performed at the lovely Duneland Beach Inn nestled along the shores of Lake Michigan, in Michigan City, IN. This was our third appearance there in roughly the last 4 months. The Inn is nestled deep within the woods far from the road noise of the main highway. It is very much a romantic getaway just steps away from a private beach. Everything about the Inn oozes with warmth and personality.
One of the things I love most about Duneland Beach is how they treat us like royalty! The owner reserves an upstairs room of the inn for us to relax in during a break and to store our gear and cases, etc. - like our own private green room). And the room itself.....oh, the inviting and elegantly decorated - complete with jacuzzi, queen bed - the whole package (oh, how I wish I could have spent the night there)!
The management even insists on serving the members of the band meals from their fabulous gourmet menu! And as one can imagine, the food is simply to die for - each plate so carefully and artistically prepared and presented. They are absolutely wonderful people.
Not only, does the Duneland Beach staff, of course, deserve high marks, but last night's dinner guests were wonderful to perform for.
The trio Jim Steele (piano), David Hilliker (drums) and me (on bass) backed Ms. Bunny Fisher, a well known and much loved vocalist from the Michigan City area. Her devoted fans follow her wherever she and the band play. Last night was no exception. Though attendance levels weren't as strong as usual (evidently, we were competing with a major event occurring at a large country club nearby) the crowd was enthusiastic and engaging. The most rousing applause came at the conclusion of a gorgeous rendition of "My Funny Valentine". I thought the ceiling would cave in from the rompous cheers and shouts of praise!
If you've never visited the Duneland Beach Inn, you owe it to yourself to experience its simple elegance and romantic charm. Why not make dinner plans at Duneland Beach with your special someone? Better yet, why not join us for a magical evening of exquisite food, warm, friendly people and great jazz? Check our performance schedule (right hand column) and find out when we are scheduled to play there again. We'd love to see you there!.

Tom Hilliker

Saturday, March 1, 2008